28 May 2008

Luka visits!

We got to see Luka again last week! He is HUGE! Paul and I were blown away to see how much he's grown.

When he first saw Paul, he got a huge grin on his face, left Mike (his "Babu") and ran towards Paul. At the last second, Luka stopped suddenly and started crying. We understood that he recognized Paul as a friend but was a bit scared to get left behind by Babu. We pray that God will protect Luka from abandonment anxiety and will give him a stable, permanent home.

We were so pleased to see him RUNNING. He still pauses to check his balance every several steps but is so much confident in his walking abilities.

He's picked up the new trick of walking around with his hands in his pocket. He WOULD look really cool except he tends to trip and face plant on the floor because he can't get his hands out quickly enough to catch himself. I promise we don't laugh too hard.

He's really a big kid, solid and yes, a bit round! Such a departure from the skin-and-bones kid the Caraways first saw at the orphanage over a year ago.

He talks more now, too. His most used word is "a-please!" (put me down, please; pick me up, please; give me more, please; take it away, please; etc.).

He giggles a LOT. And is still very ticklish, thank goodness.

He loves Shazzar and calls him "Baby." According to Lynn, when he hears Shazzar cry, he runs to Lynn with a worried look on his face and repeats "baby, baby!" until Lynn goes to comfort Shazzar.

When he finished his breakfast, Lynn told him to bring his empty plate to Joseph (the cook) and say "thank you." The kitchen was about forty yards away but Luka obeyed, much to our amusement.

What a great smile!

Luka and The Shaz

Going in for a smooch


Anonymous said...

I am speechless. You guys are SO lucky and blessed! And I'm so proud to be your friend!


Anonymous said...

Wow, that was touching about Luka! We continue to pray that the Lord will give him good and stable future.
-- mom in tw