21 December 2007

Tuende hospitalini, part II

So Luka got his measles shot. He screamed and screamed, but it was hard to tell if the shot was actually that painful or if Luka was just ticked that we forced him to stay put on the hospital bed, since he started screaming as soon as we set him down and didn't stop until we picked him back up. (Wow, that was a long sentence.) I was able to display my (lack of) courage by turning around and plugging my ears during the actual injection, to the amusement of the nurses.
Luka's immediate panic upon entering the clinic should have given us a clue that he had done it before. We had tried to contact the orphanage to see if he in fact ALREADY had his immunizations, but we didn't hear back until AFTER the shot--so the poor kid was injected for no reason! (Don't worry too much. We were advised to give him the shot anyway, despite the chance that he might have already gotten it, because both pediatricians in town insisted that duplicating immunizations is much better than the risk that he is not immunized at all.) Anyway, we think Luka deserves a Chupa-Chup. And we deserve another most neglectful foster parent award. Shoot, that's twice in one week.

In other news, Luka is defying all expectations and hasn't pooped ALL MORNING, despite the fact that he ALWAYS poops in the morning. So no stool test yet!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

You have a great blog. I just read all of your posts and thank you so much for cheering me up. Luka is such a cute baby.